
Optimizing fertility

Whether you have been trying for several years or are just beginning your journey to family building, natural medicine, acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) can be life changing. Many women suffer from hormonal deficiencies, structural challenges, autoimmune disorders or complex disorders like endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), low ovarian reserve or poor egg quality. And research is now showing that male factor fertility and low or poor sperm quality are also a factor in many cases, especially "unknown infertility".  

Having fertility acupuncture treatments can greatly increase the chances of conception, helping with couples and individuals who are trying to conceive naturally, those who are working with IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination), and those working with surrogates, egg or sperm donors.  Many people also chose to do natural fertility treatments for preconception care, to prepare for pregnancy or to prepare for egg or sperm freezing. Every piece of the process is important to the overall goal, as well as the current challenge, and having comprehensive care can be the missing piece for finding out the "why" and making a shift happen. 

Natural fertility treatments will include an intake and often include acupuncture, herbal medicine and a customized diet, along with any additional support that is needed. If you are doing Long Distance Fertility Coaching, everything is included except for the acupuncture, unless traveling to LA. Each individual is different and may require a different approach or have different needs. Once patients begin fertility treatments not only are they optimizing their fertility, but they often feel much more clarity, more at peace and relaxed, and often many "symptoms" begin to fall away over the course of treatment, leaving a much more energetic and receptive body & mind - an ideal state for conception.