Acupuncture has been around for over 3,000 years and has proven to be one of the safest medical modalities developed. During acupuncture you are neither adding any chemicals in, nor taking anything out. It is safe for children, for seniors and for pregnant women. The WHO (World Health Organization) has compiled a list of all of the conditions effectively treated with acupuncture (see "Conditions Treated") but it does more than treat concerning symptoms - it gets to the root of the issue. Acupuncture not only increases circulation, reduces pain and decreases inflammation, it promotes homeostasis, and balance, in the entire system physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. 

Whether someone is overwhelmed with stress and dealing with a stressful life or situation, or suffering with an imbalance or injury, acute or chronic, acupuncture can support the whole system, clearing what is not needed, and giving energy and clarity to what is needed.

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